Study in Poland

Poland is a large country with a rich history, a vibrant culture, and welcoming people. Thanks to recent efforts in internationalisation, Poland is attracting ever more students from abroad. The country offers world-class education at modest tuition fees and remarkably affordable cost of living.

Higher education in Poland has a history dating back nearly 800 years, and the country is home to over 400 institutions – many of which now also offer study programmes in English.

Jagiellonian University in Cracow is Poland’s oldest university, founded in 1364, and is the alma mater of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Pope John Paul II, and two Nobel laureates. Poland’s largest university is the University of Warsaw. Founded in 1816, it too has an impressive list of alumni, including Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and celebrated composer Frédéric Chopin.

Why choose us?

Supportive Environment

Student-Friendly Policies

Quality Higher Educations

Opportunities for Growth

Top institutes in Poland

Poland’s higher education system is also known for its specialised technical institutions. They educated tens of thousands of specialists every year in subjects like engineering or computer science. Warsaw University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology enjoy an exceptional standing in international rankings, and there are many other fine institutions you can choose from.

And if you are seeking a degree in medicine, medical schools in Poland are known for their world-class education. Among the best-ranked are the Medical University of Silesia and the Medical University of Warsaw.